Friday 28 June 2013

TOG Fest!

The TOG Fest 2013.

This year, a bunch of family and friends said "Oh my god Livvy! You have to go to the TOG music festival on saturday! It's awesome!"

So guess what?

I'm going! ;)

It's basically a big 'hippie' festival in my local area, where local musical acts big and small can showcase their talents to people in the area. Apparently it's great and my cousin is working there, so I'm going to go hang with her but to see the offical TOGfest website click here.

Now I love hippies and musical festivals so this should be pretty bloody awesome but I can't help but wonder if everyone is going to be sitting around doing weed- not to be sterotypical but I have evidence to support my theory though.

At Folk on The Green last month, There was a man and some other hippies sat in a ring sharing a smoke (weed) and raving with terrible moves to the folk music BUT one of the men actually had a blue beared and bald head. It was so bloody weird!

Now this brings me onto my next point.


I'm obsessed. I sing my way through my tests, under my breath, in the bath, in the shower, at dinner and I'm singing RIGHT NOW! It's so bloody annoying for me and everyone around me. I've been slapped a few times already this week for singing 'Halo' by Beyonce

I like to say I'm not a bad singer, and my friends compliment me but I think it must just get annoying when it's every minute of every hour, of every day.

Thing is though, I love this song because it's so sweet, easy to listen to and actually quiet relatable! I love her voice as well it's so soothing and controlled but the Lady GaGa songs she did were just like...

With all due respect of course!

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Gaga but I didn't think a Beyonce X Ga Ga song worked even once FORGET TWICE!

So yeah, If you've ever been to the TOG Fest, Why don't you email me and tell me what it's like because I'd love to know! Email Here

Bye bye guys!
-Olivia (27.6.13)



I am OLFletcher and I am a Wattpad author and a chatzy user. I am into everything sporty, rebellious, random and dangerous- this includes getting high on sugar and jumping off the shed into nettles- true story.

I am passionate about everything fantasy and I wish I was a vampire. Not typically a twilight vampire, if I could be any vampire, I'd be original not somebody else's work- because I'm far too unique and creative for that! I love random stuff and this blog will probably end up being trails of my thoughts and ideas for my wattpad stories. I am VERY random and probably out of control on the scale of randomness but it's cool because randomers are simply the best

Why??...Well moving swiftly on, I don't like Tina Turner at all- It was random. I do like however these songs:

James Bond : Scouting For Girls
Lost! : Coldplay
Snow (Hey Oh): Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Basically, I like old music. 1990+, I think most of those were from 2000 onwards but some of my favourites are far older.

This is my good friend, The Cookie Monster. We like to sit on the sofa eating cookies of all varities at my house watching 'The Muppets and Seasme Streets' on Saturdays. (Because we have to critique cookies and biscuits for a living Monday-Saturday) But work is ok, because I don't have to cook dinner when I get home!

I'm on wattpad @OLFletcher
So please tell me what you think of the blog, I know it's weird and wacky but it's just a bit of fun so don't give me a load of mail saying I'm weird and boring because...
Glad we got that over with.
Ha ha, lol - so cute but it's cheeky xD

Hey, I did this quiz thing and this was my resault what's yours?
I was an Energizer
-Olivia (27.6.13)